
Electronics Learning Center – Digital / FPGA

Here are a few project ideas to get you started with the FPGA!

Getting Started with FPGA

Project 1: Introduction to Digital Engineering and FPGA Board

This project sets up your FPGA board for use and shows you the steps in starting project files. It also gives you some basic knowledge on Digital Engineering. This is a getting started project with very little hands on with your board but is a good reference if you ever…

Switch Controlled Leds

Project 2: Use Switches to Control Leds

This project demonstrates how to use Verilog HDL with an FPGA board. In this project you will use a switch on your FPGA board to turn on an LED. In doing this, you will learn the first steps of writing Verilog code and observe how a switch can control LEDs on an FPGA board.

Design Simple Logic Circuit

Project 3: Guess the Logic

In this project, you will download a bit file to your board in order to configure the FPGA with four different logic circuits. The circuits use buttons and switches for inputs, and LEDs for outputs. You must probe the logic circuits by applying all possible combinations of input signals.

Simple Combinational Circuit Design

Project 4: Majority of Five

How could you find a majority of the vote if each of five voters has a switch to vote for yes or no? The logic is fairly simple and will be used in this project. Any time there are three or more of the five who vote yes, then there is a majority and the LED needs to turn on.

Describe Combinational Logic Behaviorally

Project 5: Multiplexer, Decoder, Encoder and Shifter

In this project you will design a multiplexer, a decoder, an encoder, and a shifter using Verilog HDL. Instead of building the circuit using logic operators, you will learn to describe a circuit behaviorally according to the functionality you wish the circuit to perform.

Hierarchical Design in Verilog

Project 6: A Simple Communication System

In this project, you will design a 4-to-1 mux and a decoder with an enable signal as a “de-mux” to implement a simple serial data transmitter. Both mux and de-mux will be implemented in two Verilog files for future re-use. Another Verilog file will be used to wrap up the mux and de-mux to form a communication system.