An LCD display that can display a max of 20×4 characters. with the help of the I2C bus converter and related libraries, you can easily use this module with just 2 wires.
LCD Display Mode: STN, Positive, Transflective
Display Color: Blue
Driving Method : 1/16 duty, 1/5 bias
Control Method: I2C
Viewing Angle: 6H
Sample Code HERE
Note: Set the LCD address to 0x27 or 0x20 or 0x3F
Make sure to adjust back light for best clarity (see below on procedure)
Connect the I2C LCD1602 to the I2C port of Arduino (SDA A4 and SCL A5) and power this module with 5V voltage.
Backlight control and Contrast control
The Backlight can be controlled by the firmware or the on-board jumper:
NOTE: You can control the LCD contrast by adjusting the on-board potentiometer.