This is the 4WD Wild Thumper. It’s chassis has wicked spiked 120mm diameter wheels and an anodized aluminium chassis made from 2mm thick plate. The chassis has 4mm diameter holes punched every 10mm to allow easy mounting of PCBs, servos etc. All nuts, bolts and screws are stainless steel. Brass fittings and suspension springs are nickel plated. The 4WD Wild Thumper comes with a 2DOF Arm. It includes 2x 1.8Kg/cm GWS STD micro servos to operate the wrist and gripper. This servos can be directly controlled by the Dagu Arduino DC Motor Controller.
Motor Specifications:
- Rated voltage: 6V DC (min. 2V Max. 7.5V)
- Stall current maximum 5.5A
- No load current per motor is 350mA
- Motor RPM is 10000 +/- 5%
- Gearbox ratio is 75:1
- Output shaft speed is 133rpm +/- 5%
- Stall torque is 4Kg/cm
** Video
The Wild Thumper robot controller Arduino compatible controller can be use to control this robot.
or the Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller 18v15