The MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart-rate monitor sensor solution. It combines two LEDs, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals. The MAX30100 operates from 1.8V and 3.3V power supplies and can be powered down through software with negligible standby current, permitting the power supply to remain connected at all times. A pulse oximeter is basically a device which can measure your pulse and oxygen saturation in your blood. Usually this sensor consists of two LEDs emitting light: one in Red spectrum (650nm) and the other one in Infrared (950nm). This sensor is placed on your finger or earlobe, essentially anywhere where the skin is not too thick so both light frequencies can easily penetrate the tissue. Once both of them are shined through your finger for example, the absorption is measure with a photodiode. And depending on the amount of oxygen you have in your blood the ratio between the absorbed red light and IR led will be different. From this ratio it is possible to “easily” calculate your oxygen level in your hemoglobin.
I2C address of MAX30100: 0x57
NOTE: This product is NOT a medical device and is not intended to be used as such or as an accessory to such nor diagnose or treat any conditions.